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Finding like-minded people and building friendships is a big part of the college experience-as well as building professional relationships and learning how to network in one’s chosen field.

UNT’s chapter of National Association of Black Accountants (NABA), is a student organization whose mission is to do all of that and more. One of their biggest goals is to increase diversity in the accounting field and create more opportunities for young black professionals.

“We want to bridge the opportunity gap for black professionals in the accounting field,” said UNT NABA Vice President Dimitrius Xaver Wallace.

When speaking to Wallace, he brought up the importance of bringing more opportunities to black students wanting to pursue a future in accounting, pointing out the lack of diversity in the accounting field. In fact, only 0.3% of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)  are black males.

The organization meets every Tuesday with different companies who come to speak with students about what it means to be a professional in the field. Members can ask questions about the firm’s work environment, business strategies, and more. 

Wallace says that joining NABA has helped him become a better professional and network with companies he never would have had the opportunity to before.

“I’ve developed a larger network of professionals, visited companies to see their offices, gained friendships, and built relationships,” said Wallace.

Wallace is a junior double majoring in accounting and finance. He will be starting a job at KPMG next year, a firm that he met through his connections with NABA. He’s also a supplemental accounting tutor and wants to gain his CPA certification in the future.

“I’m committed to growth in every area of my life,” said Wallace.

Wallace encourages students to become a member of NABA because it could potentially help them land an internship or job in the future.

“When you normally apply for things, the process could take months, but when you’ve networked with people in the company previously, it helps speed up the process significantly because employers will recognize your name and pull your application. That’s what NABA can do for you-connect you with professionals and future employers,” said Wallace.

Wallace thanks Professor Anne Grieser for providing interview tips and being a guide into the professional world of accounting.

While Wallace is the vice president, there is a whole committee of student officers who keep NABA successful, including:

  • Matthew Vogah - President
  • Abbye Willis - Marketing
  • Beimnet Jima- Social Events Chair
  • Dami Bisiriyu- Fundraising
  • Elijah Bates- Mentorship
  • Tiara Brown- Treasurer
  • Antoinette Davies - Secretary

“We all work together to make NABA what it is. We’re very friendly and all come from different backgrounds,” said Wallace.

If you want to join NABA, contact the organization, Professor Anne Grieser or Professor Allison McLeod for more information.