BLB 312D
Dr. Dan J. Kim is full professor of Information Technology and Decision Sciences at the University of North Texas. His research interests are in multidisciplinary areas such as cybersecurity, trust, privacy, AI, social media analytics, and others. His research work has been published or, in forthcoming more than 200 papers, in refereed journals, peer-reviewed book chapters, and conference proceedings including FT50 or ABDC A* ranked journals such as ISR, JMIS, JAIS, EJIS, CACM, DSS, I&M, IJIM, etc. He has been ranked among the world’s top 2% of scientists since 2019 for both Career and Annual Index based on the Standford C-Index. Google citation indices show that his publications have been cited more than 18,400 times. He has been awarded 7 federal (2 NSF, NSA, and 4 DHS) grants, 3 international research grants, and more than 15 internal research grants as PI and Co-PI. He is also a recipient of the prestigious Core Fulbright Sr, Researcher Scholarship. Additionally, he serves or served as a guest editor, senior, and associate editor for several top journals, including MISQ, DSS, I&M, ISF, ISM, and ECRA.