BLB 262
Matt Walker, Ph.D., is a Professor of Management at the University of North Texas and directs curriculum development across the degree tracks. Dr. Walker teaches classes in business planning, talent management, and corporate partnerships. His research and consultancies focus on social program evaluations and the strategic processes underpinning organizational outreach efforts across numerous industry sectors. He has participated in more than 50 funded research projects for sport (and related) organizations domestically and around the world, including the PGA of America, National Football League, World Golf Foundation, Nike, Barclays Bank, USA Archery, Easton Sports Development Foundation, Fundación Conconcreto, Fulham Football Club Foundation, England Institute of Sport, Fight-4-Change (among others). Walker has co-authored a scholarly text book, numerous marketing book chapters and industry reports, and has written or contributed to more than 75 peer-reviewed articles in leading scientific journals. His research and consultancy work has offered marketing and management solutions to businesses, NGO’s, and government agencies helping to improve and enhance social and strategic programming efforts.