Examples of Quality Faculty Publications (2016-22):

Babalola, M.T., Jordan, S.L., Ren, S., Ogbonnaya, C., Hochwarter, W.A., & Soetan, G.T. (in press). How and when perceptions of top management bottom-line mentality inhibit supervisors' servant leadership behavior. Journal of Management.

Beggs, William, Austin Hill-Kleespie, and Yanguang Liu. "Mutual fund tax implications when investment advisors manage tax-exempt separate accounts." Journal of Banking & Finance 134 (2022): 106313.

Bergestuen, T., Thompson, K. N., Strutton, H. D. (2022), “Principal-Independent Manufacturers' Representative Relationships: Review, Synthesis, Directions for Future Research,” Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 421-437.

Buuechel, Eva C. and Ruoou Li (forthcoming), “Mysterious Consumption: Preference for Horizontal (versus Vertical) Uncertainty and the Role of Surprise,” Journal of Consumer Research, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucac039.

Chandler, J., & Short, J.C. Hasan, K., Fan, G. (2022). Founding team characteristics and the pursuit of social motives: A role theory perspective. Journal of Business Venturing Insights.

Dang, Le Lang, Marc Lim Weng, and Francisco Guzmán (2022), “How Does Promotion Mix Affect Brand Equity? Insights from a Mixed-Methods Study of Low Involvement Products,” Journal of Business Research, 141, 175-190.

Hasford, Jonathan, Blair Kidwell, and David M. Hardesty (forthcoming), “Your Cheatin' Heart: How Emotional Intelligence and Selfishness Impact the Incidence of Consumer Fraud.” Journal of Consumer Research.

Jordan, S.L., Hochwarter, W.A., Kapoutsis, I., Franczak, J., Babalola, M.T., Karim Khan, A., & Li, Y. (accepted). Sometimes enough is enough: Nurses' nonlinear levels of passion and the influence of politics. Human Relations.

Rubio-Herrero, J., Ortiz Marrero, C., & Fan, W.T.. Modeling Atmospheric Data and Identifying Dynamics: Temporal Data-Driven Modeling of Air Pollutants. Journal of Cleaner Production. Forthcoming.

Schibik, A., Strutton, H. D., Thompson, K. N. (2022), “What Makes a Product Vintage? Investigating Relationships between "Consumer Pastness,” Scarcity, and Purchase Intentions toward Vintage Products,” European Journal of Marketing, 56(7), 1830-1855.

Short, J.C., Wolfe, M., & Cooper, D. Pursuing Crowdfunding Success: A Practical Guide and Checklist. (2022). Business Horizons.

Smith, T.*, Boulamatsi, A.*, Dimotakis, N., Tepper, B., Runnalls, B., & Reina, C. (forthcoming) “How Dare You?!”: A Self-verification Perspective on How Performance Influences the Effects of Abusive Supervision on Job Embeddedness and Subsequent Turnover (Personnel Psychology)

Xu, Lidan, Ravi Mehta, and Darren W. Dahl (2022), “Leveraging Creativity in Charity Marketing: The Impact of Engaging in Creative Activities on Subsequent Donation Behavior,” Journal of Marketing, 86(5), 79-94. https://doi.org/10.1177/00222429211037587

Xu, Lidan, Ravi Mehta, and JoAndrea (Joey) Hoegg (2022), “Sweet Ideas: How the Sensory Experience of Sweetness Impacts Creativity,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 172, 104169.

Xu, Lidan and Ravi Mehta (2022), “Technology Devalues Luxury? Exploring Consumer Responses to AI-designed Luxury Products,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-022-00854-x

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