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John Jolly Fellowship Announcement
former Institute of Petroleum Accounting
Under the leadership of Dr. Govind Iyer, the Institute of Petroleum Accounting underwent a transformative rebranding initiative in the summer of 2023. Now named the Center for Energy Accounting and Sustainability, our new identity reflects our steadfast commitment to advancing the future of energy accounting and sustainability, research, education, and industry practices for the benefit of our global community.
Through its position within the university community, the Center has access to research that directly impinges upon the accounting, finance, tax, and economics issues facing the petroleum industry today. The Center's ties to professional accountants, financial managers, and executives within the extractive industries enable it to stay abreast of the concerns that industry professionals contend with on a day-to-day basis. From the beginning, the Center has enjoyed a strong relationship with the oil and gas industry for the mutual benefit of both. The Center is the conduit through which academic research in the oil and gas industry reaches the working professional.
The mission of the Center for Energy Accounting and Sustainability (CEAS) includes:
Through these mission objectives, CEAS aspires to be a driving force in shaping the future of energy accounting and sustainability, actively contributing to research, education, and industry practices for the benefit of our global community.