G. Brint Ryan College of Business Ambassadors

G. Brint Ryan College of Business Ambassadors are an elite group of student volunteers who serve as the face of the UNT G. Brint Ryan College of Business and positively represent the college at events. They also provide outreach to prospective and current students. To be selected as an Ambassador is an honor and excellent opportunity for personal and professional growth. Ambassadors possess strong interpersonal skills, leadership qualities, a genuine interest in meeting new people, and a sense of pride in the college and the University of North Texas.

What Are The Benefits?

  • Gain a greater understanding of UNT and the G. Brint Ryan College of Business
  • Meet and network with current and prospective students, alumni, business leaders, and campus administrators
  • Sharpen communication and public speaking skills
  • Improve interpersonal and conversational skills while gaining professional experience
  • Enhance confidence when speaking and interacting with the community
  • Gain leadership skills by participating in events hosted by the Dean

2024-2025 G. Brint Ryan College of Business Ambassador Expectations and Responsibilities

For additional information, contact Keeley Flynn, College Recruiter, at (940) 369-7425 or Keeley.Flynn@unt.edu.

Important Dates to Remember

  • Online Application deadline: Friday, March 21st at 5PM.
  • In-person Interviews (if selected): Saturday, April 12th time TBD
  • Notification of Selection: Tuesday, April 15th
  • Required Ambassador Training: Saturday, August 16th time TBD

Be prepared as you will need to attach the following to your application:

  • A current one-page resume
  • A one-page essay outlining why you decided to study business, why you chose to study at UNT, and why you want to be a college Ambassador.