RCOB Undergraduate Programs advises using a major-based system. This means that each student will have a dedicated team that specializes in their chosen field of study. We believe this tailored approach provides you with more targeted guidance and support as you navigate your academic journey.
For a list of Current Events and Important Upcoming Deadlines:
visit our Academic Resources page!
We are currently offering Course Planning Workshops for Freshmen and Continuing Students, Registration Bootcamps, Advising Appointments, as well as Virtual drop-in advising options for students. All of these options help students with planning courses for upcoming terms.
The Virtual drop-in options are for students with Advising Required Holds on their accounts. These are available during the months of March 2025 and April 2025 to help current students needing help removing those holds and needing help with early registration troubleshooting for Summer/Fall 2025 course registration.
What’s the difference between Same Day Appointments or Drop- in Advising
Both of these options are virtual Zoom meetings available to students and require no advanced notice to book. These options are available to students during peak registration times to help with registration troubleshooting and course planning.
Drop-in appointments require students to register for a spot in the virtual queue. Think of it like holding your space in line to wait and see an advisor.
You register for a spot in the queue using EAB Navigate’s drop-in menu. Registration is very limited and often fills in a matter of seconds for the open half-day drop-in advising window. If you miss the morning opportunity at 8:15 am, you would have to try again at 12:45 pm to see if you can get in the afternoon drop-in queue. Students who successfully reserve a spot in the queue get a confirmation screen in EAB Navigate. A confetti animation appears on the screen with a message saying congratulations, you are in the queue.
When an advisor becomes available, students who are in the queue receive a text letting them know their advisor is ready for them. The downside to this option is that it requires the student to be available for a longer period of time, usually a morning window of 8:30 am to 11:30 am or an afternoon window of 1 pm to 4 pm. These are for EMERGENCY help! Not for course planning. If you already tried to register and something went wrong, think of this like waiting in line at urgent care or the ER for someone to help you fix an issue.
Same Day Appointments work like regular advising appointments, except they can be booked literally as late as 5 minutes before the appointment is scheduled to start. They have a scheduled time when students report to a Zoom link to meet with their advisor for their advising meeting. They are booked the same day the appointment occurs. We release the available options for Same Day Appointments for students to view in EAB Navigate under the appointments menu, NOT the drop-in menu, so students will want to log into Navigate and refresh their appointments screen at 8:15 am for morning options with meeting times between 8:30 am and 11:30 am, and at 12:45 pm for afternoon appointment options that meet between 1 pm and 4 pm that same day.
When are Virtual Drop-in Troubleshooting Queues Available for Sign Up?
We will make drop-in advising queues available for sign-up in EAB Navigate on Mondays and Thursdays from the first week of Early Registration for Honors College Students through the end of the week that freshman registration opens.
Drop-in Advising is not the ideal solution for course planning and should be used for emergency troubleshooting of registration issues. We recommend other options like registration and course planning workshops to avoid long lines and long waits for service.
Look for our Registration Bootcamps and Freshman Course Planning Workshops instead! These are great options to get help quickly planning courses and getting advising help during early registration.
How to sign up in the Drop Ins through EAB Navigate:
The sign-in button is available in EAB Navigate 15 minutes before the start of each drop-in session (For mornings this is 8:15am, for afternoons this is 12:45pm).
Sign-in for drop-ins will close once all availability has been filled for the morning or afternoon. Drop-in appointments fill VERY quickly. Within a matter of minutes. If drop-ins are full, we suggest you try reaching out to the advisor on-call or booking an appointment through EAB Navigate (see notes below).
Current RCOB students may sign in for drop-ins by following these instructions: RCOB Drop-Ins Scheduling Guide in Navigate.
If you get a spot in the drop in queue, you should see this:
Have quick questions that can be answered outside of a usual advising appointment?
Who is this for?
What can I expect from this process:
BLB First Floor Atrium Walk Up – Help Table
If the three items above don’t apply to you, then you are not REQUIRED to come in for advising! Consider attending one of our Registration Bootcamps or Course Planning Workshops for Advising Help Instead!!! Call (940) 565-2110 for help booking one of these advising workshops.
Regularly scheduled 30-minute advising appointments are available to students during our regular hours of operation, Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm.
Visit Navigate to schedule an appointment. Appointments are released for scheduling 21 days in advance during the Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms.
During early registration periods (Mid March to Mid April & October to Mid November) our office typically offers Same Day Appointments or Drop-In Advising Options to help students troubleshoot registration. So now, you may not see appointments or booking options available for advance scheduling during these time periods because we are offering workshop advising, same-day, or drop-in options instead.
We also offer Drop-In Advising and Same Day Appointment Options during Late Registration to assist students needing help planning courses for the upcoming term. See the section above for more information on Drop-In and Same Day Appointments.
Should you encounter any scheduling issues or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our front desk at (940) 565-2110.
These Group Advising Sessions are ideal for students who don't want long waits in line to get an advisor's feedback on their planned classes or to get some of their questions answered before they submit courses. These are active working sessions in which students work side by side with advising staff to create their schedule under the advising staff's direction. They also benefit from group discussions with other students on course options and resources available on campus. Current workshop options available both in person and online:
Registration Bootcamp and Course Planning Experience:
It is designed for students in Good Academic Standing who have already Declared Majors with no advising holds and want to help map out the remainder of their courses needed to complete their graduation requirements.
Freshman Advising and Course Planning Workshops:
Designed for students in their first year at UNT who need help with prerequisites and pre-business requirements. This workshop will complete the Advising Requirement and attendees will have their Advising Hold lifted and have their schedules checked by an academic advisor prior to registration.
For a list of upcoming workshop dates and times, you can call our front desk at (940) 565-2110 for help booking an upcoming group advising session.
Currently, students at the UNT Frisco Campus can only book Virtual Appointments at this time. To view available options to meet with an advisor, please book via Navigate under your chosen Major as the Service Type or "Exploring RCOB Majors." Then make sure you select Meeting Type "Online" so your meeting will occur via Zoom, and you won't have to drive to the Denton Campus to meet with your Advisor.
If you need help, please call our front desk at (940) 565-2110 for booking assistance. Tell them you are a UNT Frisco Student and need help booking an online advising appointment.
We are unable to change in-person Frisco appointments to Denton or virtual. Please make sure to sign up for the appropriate method of advising you are seeking. Additionally, you may sign into the queue for virtual drop-in advising or virtual same-day appointments as outlined above.
If you are planning to graduate in Fall 2025 or if you are a BS Accounting student transitioning to the MS program, you may request a graduation check virtually. No appointment needed! Fill out the form linked below and an advisor will send the completed grad check to your UNT email account.
Login here to submit your request
This is NOT for current RCOB majors, including Pre-Business and Business Undergraduate.
Visit the Change Major page for details
Email Keeley.Flynn@unt.edu or visit us in person in the Business Leadership Building, Room 110, during office hours.
If you are interested in pursuing the 100% online General Business degree offered in partnership with Coursera, please email BSGBCoursera@unt.edu for more details.