Our Vision

It is the vision of the Department Supply Chain Management to be recognized as the leaders in the education of men and women, preparing them to fill the most important positions in for-profit and not-for-profit business organizations. The department has developed its unique, sustainable competitive advantage by developing teaching, research and service programs which recognize the globalization of business, and which integrate those programs with the assets that arise from the DFW region's position as a center of national retailing and a domestic and international center of distribution.

The Department Supply Chain Management is nationally recognized for: a focus of excellence in teaching; preparation of graduates with excellent communications and problem solving skills; graduates who have a strong base with respect to general education and business knowledge; the capacity for abstract logical and critical thinking; and sensitivity to personal and professional ethics and social responsibilities.

With premier faculty who graduated from major universities in the United States, the Department Supply Chain Management at UNT offers programs that are attuned to the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex business arena. Our curriculum is designed to provide graduates with an excellent conceptual foundation and managerial skills. Students can choose a full-time or part-time program leading to an M.B.A.

The partnership between our industry advisory board, the faculty and the students of the Department Supply Chain Management has resulted in programs that have been recognized as the best in the region.