ITDS Advisors

If you have any questions, reach out to (contacts all ITDS advisors) using your UNT email address. Please specify if you are with DSCI or BCIS, and what question or requests you have.

Undergraduate Advising

Information regarding admissions, transfer credits, etc. can be found on the Undergraduate Programs page. However, if you have questions specific to Information Technology and Decision Sciences undergraduate courses, you can also contact:

UnderGrad DSCI Advisor
Dr. Scott Hamilton
UnderGrad BCIS Advisor
Prof. LeRoy Hardy

Masters Advising

Information regarding admissions, program details, and other general information can be found on the Masters Programs page. However, if you have questions specific to Information Technology and Decision Sciences masters courses or degree plans, you can also contact:

Grad DSCI Sr Advisor
Dr. Donna Glenn
Tue 10:00 - 12:00
Meeting ID: 838 8321 1866
Passcode: 281476
(940) 565-3668
Grad BCIS Advisor
Dr. Dipak Pravin
Mon 10:00 - 12:00
Meeting ID: 550 363 5876
Passcode: 14221

Ph.D. Advising

Please see our Ph.D. Program page for details regarding the Information Technology and Decision Science Ph.D. Program and admission information. Specific questions should be directed to the Information Technology and Decision Sciences Ph.D. Advisor:

Department Doctoral Advisor
Dr. Robert Pavur