The Research Brief
The Research Brief - November 2024
Recent Faculty Pubications
People Center Faculty research has appeared in the Academy of Management Review, the
Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, the Journal of Management, and
other outlets.
Recent People Center faculty publications include:
- Jean, E. L., Taylor, N., Crawford, W. S., Hall, A. V., Vaziri, H., Casper, W. J.,
& Johnson, L. U. (2024). Identity work support perceptions (IWSP): Development of
a construct and measure. Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Babalola, M. T., Jordan, S. L., Ren, S., Ogbonnaya, C., Hochwarter, W. A., & Soetan,
G. T. (2023). How and when perceptions of top management bottom-line mentality inhibit
supervisors’ servant leadership behavior. Journal of Management.
- Hendricks, J. L., Hancock, J., Caldas, M., Ostermeier, K., & Cooper, D. (2023). Moving
on: Exploring the implications of leader departure and incoming temporary leaders
for collective turnover and unit performance. Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Hochwarter, W., Jordan, S., Kapoutsis, I., Franczak, J., Babalola, M., Karim Khan,
A., & Li, Y. (2023). Sometimes enough is enough: nurses’ nonlinear levels of passion
and the influence of politics. Human Relations, 76(8), 1162-1190.
- Porter, C. M., Hancock, J., Allen, D. G., & Snyder, G. P. (2023). The multiple roles
of network ties in the employee job search process. Human Resource Management, 62(4),
- Zhang, L., Van Iddekinge, C. H., Ployhart, R. E., Arnold, J. D., & Jordan, S. L. (2023).
The definition and measurement of human capital resources: A content and meta-analytic
review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(9), 1486.
- Caldas, M. P., Ostermeier, K., & Cooper, D. (2021). When helping hurts: COVID-19 critical
incident involvement and resource depletion in health care workers. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 106(1), 29.
- Cooper, D., Rockmann, K. W., Moteabbed, S., & Thatcher, S. M. (2021). Integrator or
gremlin? Identity partnerships and team newcomer socialization. Academy of Management
Review, 46(1), 128-146.
- Slaughter, J. E., Gabriel, A. S., Ganster, M. L., Vaziri, H., & MacGowan, R. L. (2021).
Getting worse or getting better? Understanding the antecedents and consequences of
emotion profile transitions during COVID-19-induced organizational crisis. Journal
of Applied Psychology, 106(8), 1118.
Faculty Experts
Doctoral Students