
Main profile


Office #: 
BLB 336A
Office Hours: 
Immediately after class or by appointment

Dr. Ted Farris is a Professor in the Marketing and Logistics Department. He joined the UNT faculty in 1997 to help grow the Professional Program in Logistics which is now ranked 22nd globally. He is presently a Charn Uswachoke International Scholar and was a Austruan-American Fulbright Scholar resident a the Fachhochschul Studiengang Produktions-und-Managementtechnik in Steyr, Austria. Dr. Farris received a B.S. in Business Administration and a Certificate in City and Regional Planning from Arizona State University, an M.B.A. in Materials Logistics Management from Michigan State University, an M.A.B.A. and a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University concentrating in Business Logistics and Management Information Systems. Prior to pursuing his Ph.D., Dr. Farris was employed by the IBM Corporation, and INTEL Corporation. His industry experience includes Purchasing, Traffic, New Logistics Development, Materials Systems, and Inventory Planning and Control. Dr. Farris' research interests are Supply Chain Mapping, Disruptions in the Supply Chain, Cash-to-Cash, and Transportation regulation.

Academic Interests: 

Professor (Logistics), received his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. Approximately one out of every 4,000 persons holding a doctorate have been Fulbright Scholars. Dr. Ted Farris was named a Austrian-American Fulbright Scholar in 2008, the 2nd ever in the field of logistics. He is presently a Charn Uswachoke International Scholar. He has over 120 publications and economic reports domestically and internationally in journals including the Journal of Business Logistics, International Journal of Logistics Management, Transportation Journal, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Journal of Transportation Management, JABR, JPSSM, JTLLP, and Strategic Finance. Internationally he has been a guest lecturer at academic institutions including MIT-Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain; City College, London, England; Fachhochschul Studiengang Produktions-und-Managementtechnik, Steyr, Austria; Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstadt Steyr (HTL-Steyr), Steyr, Austria; Høgskole i Molde University, Molde, Norway; and Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Rauma, Finland. Prior to joining academia, he worked for International Business Machines and INTEL Corporations.